1. To design a logo for the PSGS 25th Founding Anniversary.
2. The logo will be used as the official logo for various purposes such as online and print material, merchandise and other visual collateral of the society.
1. The contest is open to all who wishes to join.
2. Each contestant may submit multiple entries.
3. The logo should be relevant to the PSGS 25th Founding Anniversary and its theme “PSGS: 25 Years and Beyond”
4. Entries must be submitted in digitized format (at least 300 dpi with a file extension of .png or .jpg, and .tiff).
a) The raw file of the digital artwork should be submitted in the following formats: 1) in a jpeg or png format; 2) a separate tiff format; 3) file should have a minimum of 300 pixels.
b) Filename is your name. Example: juandelacruz.png
c) If submitting multiple entries, add a digit/s. Example: juandelacruz01.png, juandelacruz02.png
d) The logo design itself should not contain the name of the artist.
5. The soft copy file of the artwork must be e-mailed to psgs.secretariat@gmail.com with the subject “PSGS 25th Logo – (name of participant)” on or before March 3, 2024, 11:59pm, together with the contestant’s basic information (name, address, and contact number). Please indicate if the participant is a PSGS Fellow or Resident from the accredited training programs.
6. By entering the competition, the participants declare that the logo submitted is their original work, have not been submitted to any other competition, and does not infringe on any third party’s existing copyrights. Any complaints that may arise due to similarities, likeness or comparison of the design would be the accountability of the participant as he/she would be responsible to prove its authenticity.
7. Contest duration is from February 1, 2024 until March 3, 2024.
8. The winner will be awarded with a cash prize of Php20,000.00.
9. The winning entry will be officially announced on March 9, 2024. It will also be announced in the official PSGS website and social media accounts of the Society. The winner shall be informed through email and phone call from the PSGS secretariat.
10. All entries submitted as entry for the contest shall be considered as property of the PSGS. The PSGS shall also have exclusive rights to the winning logo design, publish it on its websites, and in other media platforms and corporate materials. The society reserves the right to further refine or make improvements on the final artwork of the winning entry.
The logo-making competition shall be judged according to the following criteria:
A. Concept/Relevance – 40%
B. Originality – 30%
C. Creativity and Impact – 30%